Data Domains are the Classifications that Drive Master Data

The sum is only as good as its parts. When working to achieve a comprehensive, accurate overview of your business, you must consider all its touchpoints and perspectives. Data domains – the building blocks of master data – create a “single version of the truth” that drives strategy. At the heart of our MDM solutions are data domains that are core business elements such as customers, products, and vendors.


Despite the fact that they may possess a wealth of customer data, many companies are unable to reap its true value because the information exists in different systems across various departments. These insights often are inconsistent, incomplete, or inaccurate, and quite costly to assess and reconcile. DataCatalyst’s Customer Data Management solutions match and merge information from across your organization, and provide one complete, trusted view of your customer.

The result is an increased ability to manage the complete lifecycle of customer data, allowing for targeted, personalized, and seamless customer interactions. Imagine benefits such as successful marketing campaigns targeted to the right audience and increased loyalty program participation. Quite simply, knowing your customers leads to increased revenue.


Customers want details and they want them now. In today’s competitive marketplace, your customers always are searching for the most reliable, consistent, and compelling information about what they’re about to purchase. As a result, businesses dramatically have increased the amount of their product data but, again, it is often dispersed across multiple locations and is inconsistent or suspect. How do you consolidate and market what is often a complex story involving thousands of records?

DataCatalyst’s Product Data Management (PIM) implementation collects and enhances all aspects of your product information, providing a single, consistent view that boosts operational efficiency and improves business performance. We seamlessly import, enhance, enrich, and syndicate product data across your systems and touchpoints, allowing you to deliver the useful product content that customers demand through physical and eCommerce channels.

Vendor / Supplier

Suppliers are the lifeblood of any organization, yet how many managers truly understand their supply chain? Retailers, distributors, and other companies often have an incomplete picture of their suppliers because information is stored in multiple systems and departments. They are bogged down by inefficiencies in onboarding new vendors, communicating with them, and gaining useful insights into performance and processes, which drags down the bottom line.

DataCatalyst’s Vendor/Supplier Data Management implementation allows you to master your supply chain, bolster collaboration, leverage efficiencies, and enhance product intelligence across your organization. We source systems throughout the business and deliver comprehensive, centralized details about your vendors/suppliers, how they are related to each other, and the data they provide. Benefit from more efficient onboarding of new products, better tracking of supplier performance, improved vendor/supplier vetting, and reduced data inconsistencies.


A more complex business with multiple locations (offices, branches, stores, etc.) can be viewed as a photo album of information, with each location producing its own, unique snapshot or page. However, many companies do not fully consider the unique data generated by each location, which can add critical context to the “big picture.” This is especially true in the distribution world where distribution centers are the heart of the customer supply chain.

DataCatalyst’s Location Data Management approach eliminates small, yet impactful gaps in location data to improve efficiency, and reduce risk and waste. By focusing on this often-overlooked piece of intelligence, you can enhance knowledge and forecasting for each business site, maintain regulatory compliance related to specific locales, and increase customer satisfaction by efficiently allocating products and services from hubs using smart logistics.

Parts and Materials

In manufacturing and precision industries, such as construction and energy, parts and materials often are provided by outside suppliers. Some equipment is quite complex, requiring long lead times due to design, building, and testing procedures, and production delays, unfortunately, are commonplace. The importance of accurate and timely information about the availability of parts and materials can’t be overstated.

DataCatalyst’s Parts and Materials Data Domains smooth production processes by providing detailed information about each resource, how it can be sourced or replicated, and how many alternatives or replacements are available within the company at a given time. Accurate information alleviates crunch time, allowing managers to efficiently manage available parts and materials, leverage existing inventory, and obtain a clearer picture of supplier production processes.

Digital Assets

To maintain competitiveness and improve efficiencies in today’s digital world, businesses increasingly leverage digital media to communicate both externally and internally. Staff across a given company produce an ever-increasing number of assets such as images, documents, PDFs, video, sound, CAD diagrams, and illustrations that, typically, are scattered in multiple systems and departments.

DataCatalyst’s Digital Asset Management (DAM) implementations allow clients to locate, manage, and enrich digital assets, which can then be shared across the business and syndicated to external channels. Picture easy access to all your digital assets to reference products, services, and other business attributes, and easy delivery of those assets via online and offline channels. And be assured that what you’re sharing is consistent, accurate, and approved for public use.


Perhaps most important is managing who has access to your data. As the scope of digital business evolves and expands, an organization may have countless individuals accessing and manipulating critical business intelligence. Because of gaps in managing users and roles, current systems don’t adequately address security and risk management issues, which undermines the accuracy and integrity of your information.

DataCatalyst’s Identity Domain Management implementation effectively creates and manages all authorized users in and outside your organization, at all levels of access, to drive efficiency, ensure security, and support risk management. We create a digital ecosystem that protects your data by limiting user access to only the information they require at a given time and responds to changing identities and user needs over time.